Dec 13, 2010

Day 17: Feeling Good :)

I don't know exactly why BUUUUUT :)..... I'm in a REALLY good mood... just about everything.  Before I get into how I did health wise with eatting and everything, school was really wonderful today.  I think I aced my spanish test, it was perfect weather outside, I had a cute outfit and I found out my AP European Civilization Assesment is only gonna be half the work it was supposed to be so thumbs up to me!!! haha.

Now back to the healthy stuff. So I'm kinda ashamed to say that I have not been eating perfect in the morning before I leave for school, BUT usually around my second period class, which is around 9:30 am., my friend has extra food she gives me which is like an apple, grapes and some fruit juice :) it pretty taasty. So that qualifies as breakfast in a way, right? Lunch is at 12, but I'm normally not haungry again that soon.  I ate again once I got home around 3:45 and had corn and one serving (I think :P) of pasta. 

My dad went out later for Wendy's but I ask him to get me a chicken sandwitch- he got me two- and mandarin oranges. I know according to their website I had 790 calories worth of food from there alone, which isn't terrible since I think I had no more than 600 calories through out the rest of the day. So around 1400 calories isn't that bad. I'm Happy. :D

Let me know what going on with your progress.
Leave comments of adivce or encouragement :)

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