Nov 27, 2010

Day 0: Get Ready... Set... GO!

The first thing you need to know about me and my weight, is that the two of us have never seen eye to eye,... and for good reason.  MY WEIGHT SCARES ME!  It has intimidated me for the better part of my fifteen years on this earth, and whenever my weight and I have to battle it out, my weight always wins. What really pisses me off is that I let my weight win, almost as if without putting up a fight. I just... give up, as simple as that, and it makes me SICK.  Things are gonna be different now, hell, things already have changed. 1. I've done my research to find out what reasonable goals I need to be setting myself to keep motivated. 2. I'm actually scheduling-in my exercise time, not just fitting it in where I find time. 3. I've acknowledged foods I need to more AND less of.  This is important because, I think a major factor in changing my life is going to be still being able to enjoy the foods I love.... just in moderation.  This is kinda how I came up for my title "Live 2 Love*Love 2 Laf".  I'm gonna live my life so I can finally start loving myself and other around me more, and I'm gonna learn that loving myself means being able to laf about my mistakes so they don't get the best of me. 

Here's my Plan of Attack:
  • - Eat 1300 to 1500  calories per day
  • - Cardio/Gym 4-5 times per week
  • - Keep focused on little goals  
P.S Starting this coming Saturday, I'll start posting videos/ pic along with measurements once a month
P.P.S  Join me on my journey! :) Keep me updated with your own progress or advice for me.

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